Watershed Management approaches the administration and conservation of surface and groundwater assets, which includes conservation, recovery, and judicious use, all else being equal.
Watershed Meaning: It is an area of land that takes care of all the water running under it and releases it into the waterway.
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What is watershed management?

A watershed is a geographic area through which water flows in a common body of water. In simple language, small streams that would have come together would get mixed in a big stream. A watershed is a large geographical unit that collects and then realizes water.
Watershed management balance is between natural resources and society on the other hand through community participation
Types of watershed management
- Macro-Watershed: 50,000
- Sub-macro – Watershed: 10,000 – 50,000 ha
- Mini-Watershed: 1 – 100 ha
- Micro-Watershed: 100 – 1000 ha
The resource that is there in watershed management, that is, water, trees, soil, managing all these in a proper way is called watershed management.
Characteristics of Watershed Management
① Size and Shape: The size and shape of the watershed depend on how much water is in the water set, how much it can receive if it is more or less it will affect it.
② Topography: If there are hilly areas, then the water received there will be more because all the hilly areas will come under the water run-off.
③ Soil: If the clay is Soil then it will definitely reduce the water off, then whatever water is there, it will come in the water chat and there will be information in the samely Soil and the water will not be able to reach the watershed.
④ Relief: How does the release castle affect the slope if it is slope land will receive more water.
Objectives of watershed management
- Whatever is there or water is lying in the field, collect it and bring it to a single outlet.
- Utilizing the runoff on the surface for the useful purpose
- Continuous production we get
- We have been able to recover much of the production that is happening during watershed management.
- Watershed management is a relief for the production of timber
- We can store this water naturally and fulfill our needs.
- Soil is also controlling Erosion
- To maintain or secure the eco-system, it is necessary to manage the protection of water fountains and watershed management.
Watershed Management Problem and Solution
① Flooding- Flood control can be done through reservoirs, can contribute to leaves, flood plain management
② unstable Slopes Land Slides- can slope protection and drainage structure.
③ Erosion- CAN Erosion Control Structure
④ Deficient Water Supply- Can storage reservoir, water harvesting, vegetation manipulation pump deep groundwater?
⑤ Food Storage- develop agricultural fields we can raise livestock
⑥ Energy Shortage- can harvest firewood or generate hydroelectricity
⑦ Poor Quality Drinking Water- We can build wells and treat springs with water
⑧ Polluted Streams/Reduce Fishery- We can do the pollutant entry, or we can do the freight for the water
⑨ Sedimentation of navigation Tracks- If we want, we can make the erosion control structure dry and also do mining.
⑩ Timber Storage- Timber can also be harvested
Importance of watershed management
- This re-energizes the groundwater table.
- Restores soil richness and helps in soil conservation
- Restores water for drinking and other human purposes.
- It helps tackle environmental change and advances manageable farming.
- Protects the biodiversity of an area, whenever the inspection can reasonably re-establish the biodiversity.
Components of Watershed Management
- Soil and water conservation,
- Harvesting water and watering the management,
- Substitute land use framework.
Integrated watershed management
Conservation authorities rely on an Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) approach to ensure water resources and to address ecological difficulties from the effects of environmental change and rapid urbanization.
Our practices on land regularly affect the well-being and manageability of properties and can compromise how much water remains accessible, as well as, how well we can adjust to the effects of environmental change.
Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) is a methodology that expects us to oversee human practice and common property on a watershed basis, considering the respective interests and needs of the climate, economy, and society.
What is Involved in Integrated Watershed Management?
Important parts of integrated watershed management requiring the exceptional consideration of watershed supervisors are seen MOVEMENTS
- Management of Water Resource (eg, cutting water);
- Management of Soil Resource (Soil Conservation);
- Management of Human Resources (capacity of asset supervisors and clients, and so forth)
FAQ [frequiently Asked Question]
What are the factors affecting watershed management?
① Size and Shape: The size and shape of the watershed depend on how much water is in the water set, how much it can receive if it is more or less it will affect it.
② Topography: If there are hilly areas, then the water received there will be more because all the hilly areas will come under the water run-off.
How many types of watersheds are there?
Macro-Watershed: 50,000
Sub-macro – Watershed : 10,000 – 50,000 ha
Mini-Watershed: 1 – 100 ha
Micro-Watershed: 100 – 1000 ha
What are the 3 main functions of a watershed?
There are three processes within a watershed that can protect water quality if pre- served: water capture, water storage, and water release.
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Summary & Conclusion
Introduced in 1920 “watershed” was used for “water separation boundary”. A watershed is a land area that contributes a channel or spillover to a specific outlet. A watershed is characterized as a geo-hydroelectric unit that is reduced to a specific point by an arrangement of channels. All land on Earth is important for some watersheds. The watershed is the land and water area along these lines, which contributes to spillover at a specific point.
A watershed is an area of land and water that is limited by waste segregation within which surface spillover collects and exits the watershed through a single outlet into a large waterway or lake. Watershed innovation is used in rainfed areas.
‣ I hope friends, through this article, I have given you information about The Watershed Management, you must have got the information. So share your suggestions with us.
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