Surrogate marketing is a form of marketing in which a company uses its banned product such as cigarettes or alcohol to promote it,
Meaning that the banned product is promoted under the guise of other products through Surrogate Marketing.
What Do You Understand By Surrogate Advertising?

Any products that are banned are advertised with the help of a promotion surrogate form, in this type of advertising,
The company uses a product that is ethical for advertising such as Club soda, Mineral water, Golf accessories, Music CDs or playing cards,
And they indirectly take advantage of this advertising in advertising those brand names which are alcohol or banned products.
The advantage of this type of advertising is that the company positions its brand name in the mind of the customer.
Banned products cannot be shown directly to the customer, but can be masked under another product under the same brand name so that whatever that brand is mentioned, people start associating it with their main product.
What is an example of surrogate advertising?
Surrogate Marketing also influences the purchase decision of the consumer. They also inform the consumers about the major liquor brands thus promoting sales.
Brand | Communicating Product | Main Product Category |
‣ Bagpiper | Water and soda, cassettes, CDs | Whisky |
‣ McDowells | Water and soda | Whisky |
‣ Kingfisher | Callenders and mineral water | Beer |
‣ Panparag | Pan masala | Gutkha |
‣ Johnie Walker | Soda | Whisky |
‣ Royal challenge | Gold accessories and mineral water | Whisky |
How Surrogate advertising is done in India

Most of the surrogate marketing in India is done in tobacco and liquor products.
Although AIDS has been banned directly and indirectly in India,
The company has used surrogate marketing to promote these products.
This restriction (Banned) products are not advertised directly to the consumer but are advertised under a different product name using the same brand so that the customer can associate himself with the product.
- Kingfisher is the best example which promotes water bottles, soda, all these things
- Imperial blue One of the world’s best-selling whiskeys, promte the fine blend of Indian grain spirits and imported Scotch malts.
How brands promote with Surrogate Marketing
Surrogate Marketing Promoting on T.V is the most well-known way to get a brand noticed. Most of the advertisers use it as their promotional tool.
Even in surrogate marketing, advertisers create amazing and innovative ads
The brand sells vodka as its essential item. However, in video advertising, there is only a brief look at the actual item they are selling, and the promotion is done on music CDs and in-studio masks.
The relationship between music and alcohol at present is that buyers become obsessed with music while drinking.
Tobacco is also on the list of banned items. Tuberose sells ‘dish masala’ within its reach. As such, the brand sells silver cardamoms and promotes them as a non-tobacco item.
How and why Surrogate Marketing originated?
It all started in Britain. The disputes between the housewives put a stop to the sale of liquor.
She fought over the issue that her husband becomes more agitated to consume alcohol by believing that he sees its advertisements.
The fundamental concern was the impact of such notices on the well-being of the buyers. So eventually it boycotted items like alcohol, tobacco, and cigarettes.
Boycott on advertisement of such items is not yet on creation and deals. Advertisers intended to expand deals, so they started selling such items under different names.
Along these lines, organizations had to look for alternative ways of promoting, making alternative propaganda possible in India.
Part of the main evidence of camouflage was noticed by the Indian tobacco company ‘Azad Bidi’, which supported a global cricket match in India.
Why do Surrogates Marketing?
To bypass restrictions on immediate notice of a specific item, to keep brands alive in the persona of buyers, to develop a picture of the social responsibility of the brand,
Through alternative brands or items of less socially accepted goods to encourage.
Is surrogate Marketing legal?
The earlier standards for surrogate marketing continue as before, for example, for a brand that has been available for more than two years,
The commodity or administration business turnover is approximately Rs 5 crore per year or 1 for each. Should be more than Rs. Per year per state where the movement is scheduled.
Is surrogate advertising banned in India?
All forbid the promotion of “Tobacco and alcohol items” by both immediate and backhanded means. Since promotion in the mass media has been banned,
Tobacco and alcohol organizations have turned to pseudo-promotional strategies to keep their brands alive in the persona of the customers. “The Entrance to tobacco and alcohol is very solid in India”
The Cable Television Networks ACT 1995
- Rule 7(2) VII of the cable television networks prohibits the direct or indirect promotion of cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco products, wine, liquor, etc.
- It is compulsory for every TV cable operator that he will have to register with the authorities and follow the provision of this act.
- Only Indian citizens can operate a Cable TV Network
- A company in which 51% or more of the paid-up share capital is held by an Indian citizen can be registered as a cable operator
However, the proviso to this rule goes like this:
Advertises products that use the same brand or logo as those used for cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco products, alcohol, alcohol in cable service, so some conditions must be fulfilled.
Condition regarding prohibited products of Surrogate Marketing
The stories and visuals we are shown or shown must be advertising the actual product and not the prohibited products in any form or manner.

- The advertisement should not include any reference to prohibited products directly or indirectly
- The advertisement should not include any phase that promotes prohibited products.
- An advertisement should not use any particular color, layout, or presentation that connects the customer to the prohibited products
- When we are advertising other products, the advertisement should not involve such a situation in that situation that promotes prohibited products.
Advantage of Surrogate Marketing
Advantage of Surrogate Marketing
- It helps the company’s banned product to generate sales
- It reminds the customer regarding the banned product indirectly in the way
- If one cannot advertise then the risk of competition from new players or of new launches by competitors is reduced.
- Due to Surrogate Marketing, the company maintains its reputation to a large extent and sells its banned products like wine, liquor, tobacco products, etc. in the market.
Disadvantages of Surrogate Marketing
Disadvantages of Surrogate Marketing
- Its biggest disadvantage is that the ban defeats the purpose of advertising on the product.
- This ad leads to advertising of harmful products
- Society also suffers a lot as many children and uneducated persons are not able to differentiate between banned products and advertising products.
- Surrogate Marketing to be deceptive, false, dishonest in many respects
Which company uses surrogate marketing?
Surrogate Marketing strategically promotional elements. The Major Key players that use surrogate advertising as their strategically placed promotional elements e.g.,
- Haywards 500
- Imperial blue
- Bacardi
- Kingfisher
- Mcdowell’s
- Johnie Walker
- Royal stage
FAQ [frequiently Asked Question]
What do you understand by Surrogate Marketing
Surrogate is a form of marketing in which a company uses its banned product such as cigarettes or alcohol to promote it, meaning that the banned product is promoted under the guise of other products through Surrogate Marketing.
What is an example of surrogate advertising?
Surrogate Marketing also influences the purchase decision of the consumer. They also inform the consumers about the major liquor brands thus promoting sales.
Brand, Communicating Product, and Main Product Category are…
‣ Bagpiper, Water, and soda, cassettes, CDs
How and why Surrogate Marketing originated?
It all started in Britain. The disputes between the housewives put a stop to the sale of liquor.
She fought over the issue that her husband becomes more agitated to consume alcohol by believing that he sees its advertisements.
The fundamental concern was the impact of such notices on the well-being of the buyers. So eventually it boycotted items like alcohol, tobacco, and cigarettes.
Is surrogate Marketing legal?
The earlier standards for surrogate marketing continue as before, for example, for a brand that has been available for more than two years,
The commodity or administration business turnover is approximately Rs 5 crore per year or 1 for each. Should be more than Rs. Per year per state where the movement is scheduled.
Is surrogate advertising banned in India?
All forbid the promotion of “Tobacco and alcohol items” by both immediate and backhanded means. Since promotion in the mass media has been banned,
Tobacco and alcohol organizations have turned to pseudo-promotional strategies to keep their brands alive in the persona of the customers. “The Entrance to tobacco and alcohol is very solid in India”
What are the advantages of surrogate marketing?
It helps the company’s banned product to generate sales
It reminds the customer regarding the banned product indirectly in the way
If one cannot advertise then the risk of competition from new players or of new launches by competitors is reduced.
Due to Surrogate Marketing, the company maintains its reputation to a large extent and sells its banned products like wine, liquor, tobacco products, etc. in the market.
What are the disadvantages of surrogate marketing?
Its biggest disadvantage is that the ban defeats the purpose of advertising on the product.
This ad leads to advertising of harmful products
Society also suffers a lot as many children and uneducated persons are not able to differentiate between banned products and advertising products.
Surrogate Marketing to be deceptive, false, dishonest in many respects
Which company uses surrogate marketing?
Surrogate Marketing strategically promotional elements. The Major Key players that use surrogate advertising as their strategically placed promotional elements e.g.,
⦿ Haywards 500
⦿ Imperial blue
⦿ Bacardi
What Is Surrogate Advertising?
Any products that are banned are advertised with the help of a promotion surrogate form, in this type of advertising,
The company uses a product that is ethical for advertising such as Club soda, Mineral water, Golf accessories, Music CDs or playing cards,
And they indirectly take advantage of this advertising in advertising those brand names which are alcohol or banned products.
Related Term
- Functions of Marketing
- International Marketing Research
- Scope of Marketing Research
- Marketing Intelligence and Planning
- Marketing Fundamentals
- The 7 Functions of Marketing
- Process Of Risk Management
Summary & Conclusion
Surrogate Advertising refers to a type of advertising that copies the brand picture of an item to promote another result of a similar brand.
A Surrogate is a type of advertising in which an organization uses its prohibited item, for example, to further promote cigarettes or alcohol, implying that the prohibited item is secretly advanced.
‣ I hope friends, through this article, I have given you information about The Surrogate Marketing, you must have got the information. So share your suggestions with us.
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